WordPress Maintenance & Fixes

If your site needs updating, fixing or you just need day-to-day managment of the more technical aspects of your site this is the service for you.

Making Things Right

If your site is showing errors or just isn't working how it should I can take a look and give you a free quote to fix things.

Keeping Things Up To Date

If things need updating on your site but you're afraid to touch anything for fear it may break things I provide a service to update WordPress, your theme and plugins and fix any issues that may occur from these updates.

Retained Services

I offer monthly retained services that provide a fixed amount of time per month for a fixed cost. The benefit of this is you don't have to hire someone every time you need something updated or fixed, saving you money in the long term. Such service include keeping your site up to date, ensuring your site is secure, fixing general errors, site audits, SEO checks.

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