
If you are looking for a new WordPress site or already have one that needs improvements or fixes, I can help.

Build A WordPress Website

If you need a new website then this is the service for you. This will involve creating a design, if you don't already have one, and turning that design into a fully working WordPress website.

I won't be using off-the-shelf themes, this theme will be bespoke - made specifically for you.

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Customise An Existing WP Theme/Plugin

You may already have a WordPress theme or plugin but want to add some customisations. Whether this be changing the design slightly, adding new pages or entirely new features I’ve got you covered.

All customisations will be included as a child theme or plugin meaning you can update your theme or plugins without worry.

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WordPress Maintenance & Fixes

You may already have a theme or plugin and need help fixing things on your site. This could include general site maintenance, slow site speeds, errors appearing on a page or things just not working as they should.

I offer both pay as you go and monthly retained services to ensure your site is also working as it should.

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WordPress Hosting

Good hosting is vital. There's no point in putting a lot time and money into a website and then going with a cheap host that gives you slow site speeds and poor support.

I provide fully managed web hosting. You will receive top quality, fast hosting, without any of the hassle or worry of managing the server yourself.

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