Import Demos

Importing Demos

The demo importer allows you to import any of the demos seen on the demo site with one click. This is the easiest way to setup your site because it will allow you to quickly edit everything instead of creating templates from scratch. The demo data imports templates, posts, pages, categories, media and menus. It will not overwrite your existing content.

  1. Go to GhostPool Core > Import Demos.
  2. Hover over the demo you want to import and click the Select button to open the import popup window.
  3. The window shows all the plugins used in this demo. It is recommend you click the Install or Activate link next to each plugin to fully replicate the demo.
  4. Below this you will see what demo content is being imported. It is recommend you leave all checkboxes checked to fully replicate the demo.
  5. Click the blue Import to import the demo content.
  6. Once the import is complete click the Set as Homepage button to set the demo page as your homepage.

If you can’t import the demos this is usually because your server’s specifications are too low. Increase the PHP Memory Limit and PHP Maximum Execution and limit the number of cores using MAGICK_THREAD_LIMIT.

Every time you import a demo the menu items are reimported so it is recommended you uncheck the Menus checkbox in the demo import window. If you want to remove the imported menu items go to Appearance > Menus and manually delete the duplicated links or you can quickly remove them using the Quick remove menu item plugin.

Uninstalling Demos

You can either uninstall individual demos or uninstall all demos at once.

Uninstall Individual Demos

  1. Go to GhostPool Core > Import Demos.
  2. Hover over the demo you want to uninstall and click the Select button to open the import popup window.
  3. Check the Uninstall Demo checkbox and then click the Uninstall button.
  4. Click OK when prompted by the confirmation box.

Uninstall All Demos

  1. Go to GhostPool Core > Import Demos.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the demo content checkboxes you want to uninstall.
  3. Click the Delete button.
  4. Click OK when prompted by the confirmation box.